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Der Countdown-Verkauf zu Weihnachten beginnt jetzt! – Tägliche Sonderangebote nur für begrenzte Zeit
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🎄Der Weihnachts-Countdown-Sale beginnt jetzt! 🎄

Wir starten unseren Weihnachts-Countdown-Sale dieses Jahr früher, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie die besten Geschenke für Ihre Lieben (oder für sich selbst!) bekommen.

🛒 Zusätzlich zum Evergreen-Rabatt erhalten Sie weitere 10 % Ermäßigung, wenn Sie über 200 US-Dollar ausgeben.

Dieser exklusive Rabatt wird automatisch an der Kasse angewendet, aber beeilen Sie sich!

⏳ Zeitlich begrenztes Angebot: Dieses Angebot ist nur bis zum 24. Dezember gültig!

🛒 Kaufen Sie jetzt ein, um das perfekte Geschenk für Ihre Uhrenliebhaberkollegen zu finden!


The Ultimate Guide to Setting Up Your Watch Winder Safe 1.4

by JimJim 30 Dec 2024 0 Comments

4ways to Access Watch Winder safe

This watch winder safe be granted using a numeric code, fingerprint, or key Options, please refer the video demonstration.

  1. numeric code (Password),
  2. fingerprint,
  3. Dual Verification (Password + Fingerprint),
  4. key.

How to set the numeric code for door?

Please check the video below for demonstration.

The factory default password for the watch winder safe is 1234. The fingerprint database is empty, and the default opening mode is password OR fingerprint . Please follow the instructions below for relevant settings.

Entering System Settings:

  • Press and hold the '*' key for two seconds.

  • The screen will display "SET."

  • Enter the correct password and press '#'.

    • Note: If you have set the dual verification mode (password + fingerprint), you will also need to input a registered fingerprint.
  • The display will show "SET-PD." Press the '0' key to cycle through the menus: SET-PD, SET-OP, and SET-AL.

  • Press '#' to enter the submenu of the currently displayed menu.

SET-PD Menu (Password Setting):

  • Press '#' to enter the menu. The screen will display "BEGIN."
  • Enter your new password and press '#' to confirm. (Note: The password can be up to 10 digits long).
  • The display will then show "AGAIN." Re-enter your new password and press '#' to confirm.
  • If successful, the display will show "DONE." (Note: The two passwords must match. Otherwise, an error will be displayed.)



How to set the fingerprint for door.

Please refer to the video below for a demonstration.

  1. Press the red enrollment button once. You will hear a "beep" sound.
  2. The fingerprint sensor will light up blue. Place your finger on the fingerprint sensor and hold it there until the light turns green and you hear a "beep" sound. Then, remove your finger.
  3. Repeat step 2 three times. The third successful green light indicates that the fingerprint has been successfully enrolled.
  4. If fingerprint enrollment fails, the red light will illuminate, and the buzzer will sound three times. You will need to try enrolling the fingerprint again.


Setting the Touch Screen Control Panel for watch winder

Touch the screen to select different settings.

Watch Selection: When "00" is displayed, touching "Run" will start all watches on the winder using the last set Turns Per Day (TPD) mode.

TPD Modes (Turns Per Day): You can choose from the following rotation settings: 650 turns, 750 turns, 850 turns, 1000 turns, or 1950 turns per day. The winder will operate for 12 hours and then stop for 12 hours each day.

Rotation Direction: Select the rotation direction:

  • Clockwise
  • Counterclockwise
  • Alternate Rotation (rotates clockwise and counterclockwise)

Start or Pause: Touch the screen to toggle between Start (running) and Pause (stopped).

LED/UVC Light Options:

  • First Touch: Activates the LED light, which will remain on.
  • Second Touch: Activates the UVC light for 10 minutes for sterilization. It will turn off automatically after 10 minutes.
  • Third Touch: Turns on both the LED and UVC lights.
  • Fourth Touch: Turns off both lights.

 Once you have made your selections, the settings will be saved automatically.


How to install wall-mounted (optional):

Just use two bolts into the wall behind it. Open the drawer, and you can make alignment marks using the two holes. Then, drill holes based on the marks and install the screws to secure it.



More information, please view Watch Winder Safe Manual for setting



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