Driklux watch winder instructions
Where can I find the Driklux watch winder manual?
We often receive emails from customers asking where to find the Driklux watch winder manual because after purchasing the product, they tend to misplace these items. When they need to adjust the settings later and look for the reference, they find that they can't locate it.
Generally, the product manual is included with the product. If you accidentally misplaced it, you can download or preview it using the link below.
For reference only If you accidentally misplaced your Driklux watch winder manual, don't worry. You can easily download or preview it using the link provided below.
For 1-mode / 5-mode watch winder click here: 5-mode watch winder manual
For 9-mode watch winder / TPD setting watch winder / Touchscreen-controlled watch winder / Fingerprint lock watch winder setting click here: 9-mode watch winder manual
Need more information, please feel free to reach us.
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